Shodh Sagar Excellence License (SS EL 1.0)

Shodh Sagar, a beacon of recognition for unparalleled achievement and innovation, is dedicated to illuminating the path of excellence in various fields of endeavor. Through our awards, including prestigious gold medals and other forms of recognition, we aim to celebrate and honor those whose work transcends the ordinary, embodying the pinnacle of professionalism, creativity, and impact. The establishment of the Shodh Sagar Excellence License (SS EL 1.0) serves as a cornerstone in our mission to formally acknowledge and perpetuate the legacy of exceptional contributions, ensuring that the brilliance and dedication of our awardees are recognized and valued across the globe.

The SS EL 1.0 is designed to encompass a wide array of works, contributions, and achievements that stand as testaments to human ingenuity and perseverance. This includes, but is not limited to, groundbreaking research, innovative technological advancements, transformative artistic expressions, and significant contributions to societal well-being. Eligibility for this license is predicated on a rigorous evaluation process, assessing not only the merit of the contribution itself but also its lasting impact on the field and beyond. Candidates for this honor must demonstrate a commitment to excellence, with their work serving as a beacon for future generations.

Core Values
At the heart of the Shodh Sagar Excellence License are the core values that guide our awarding process and the endeavors we seek to recognize:

  • Excellence: A relentless pursuit of greatness, setting new benchmarks that inspire others.
  • Innovation: The courage to explore, invent, and transform the world with groundbreaking ideas and solutions.
  • Integrity: Upholding the highest standards of honesty, transparency, and ethical conduct in all actions and creations.
  • Contribution to the Community or Field: Making a significant, positive impact that enriches lives, advances knowledge, or pioneers new possibilities.

These values are the foundation upon which Shodh Sagar stands and are reflected in the distinguished achievements of our awardees. Through the SS EL 1.0, we aim to not only celebrate these achievements but also to foster an environment where such values flourish, driving further excellence and innovation in the service of humanity.


A "Contributor/Awardee" under the Shodh Sagar Excellence License (SS EL 1.0) refers to any individual, group, or entity whose work, achievements, or contributions have been formally recognized and awarded by Shodh Sagar. Qualification as a Contributor is based on a demonstrated commitment to excellence, innovation, and significant impact within their respective field or community. Awardees of Shodh Sagar's distinctions, including but not limited to gold medals and other forms of honor, are designated as Contributors upon the official bestowal of such awards.

Licensed Material
The term "Licensed Material" encompasses the broad spectrum of works, achievements, inventions, research outcomes, artistic expressions, and any other forms of intellectual or creative output for which a Contributor has been recognized under the SS EL 1.0. This includes, without limitation, published research papers, patented inventions, artworks, literary works, technological innovations, and any other contributions that embody the principles of excellence and innovation championed by Shodh Sagar. The Licensed Material is the subject of the license granted through the SS EL 1.0, entitling the Contributor and authorized third parties to use, share, and build upon the work in accordance with the terms outlined in this license.

Use Cases
"Use Cases" under the SS EL 1.0 detail the permissible ways in which Licensed Material may be utilized, shared, or cited by both the Contributor and third parties. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Academic and scholarly use, where the Licensed Material contributes to further research, education, or academic discourse.
  • Commercial and non-commercial reproduction, distribution, and communication of the Licensed Material, provided that such use aligns with the ethical standards and core values of Shodh Sagar and respects the integrity of the original work.
  • Creation of derivative works or adaptations based on the Licensed Material, fostering innovation and the development of new contributions to the field.
  • Public display and performance, ensuring that the contributions recognized by Shodh Sagar are accessible to wider audiences and can inspire future generations of innovators and creators.

All Use Cases must adhere to the conditions of attribution, respect for the moral rights of the Contributor, and any specific restrictions or permissions provided by the Contributor or outlined in the SS EL 1.0.


License Grant
Rights Granted
Upon formal recognition and the awarding of a distinction by Shodh Sagar, Contributors under the Shodh Sagar Excellence License (SS EL 1.0) are granted the following rights:

  • Recognition: Contributors have the right to be recognized for their achievements and contributions in accordance with the standards and practices of Shodh Sagar. This includes the use of Shodh Sagar's name and the specific award or title conferred in professional, academic, and public settings.
  • Use of Titles: Contributors are entitled to use specific titles or designations associated with the award they receive, such as "Gold Medalist" or any other honorary title conferred, in accordance with the terms of SS EL 1.0.
  • Display of Award: The right to publicly display the award, including medals, certificates, or other symbols of recognition provided by Shodh Sagar, in personal, professional, and academic spaces.

The rights granted under SS EL 1.0 are subject to the following conditions, ensuring that the use of these rights aligns with the mission and values of Shodh Sagar:

  • Compliance with Core Values: All exercise of rights under SS EL 1.0 must reflect and uphold the core values of excellence, innovation, integrity, and contribution to the community or field as outlined by Shodh Sagar.
  • Ongoing Contribution Requirements: Contributors are encouraged to continue their contributions to their respective fields or communities, embodying the spirit of continuous improvement and service that Shodh Sagar aims to promote.
  • Ethical Standards: The use of awarded titles, the display of the award, and any representation of the Contributor's association with Shodh Sagar must adhere to high ethical standards, including honesty in representation and respect for the rights and contributions of others.


  • Duration: The rights granted under SS EL 1.0 are conferred upon the Contributor for a lifetime, recognizing their lasting contribution to their field or community.
  • Renewal and Revocation: While the rights under SS EL 1.0 are intended to be irrevocable in honor of the Contributor's achievements, Shodh Sagar reserves the right to review and potentially revoke these rights under exceptional circumstances, such as conduct by the Contributor that significantly contradicts the core values and mission of Shodh Sagar. Any conditions for renewal or revocation will be communicated transparently and with due process, ensuring fairness and respect for the Contributor's contributions and reputation.


Obligations and Responsibilities
Contributor Obligations
Contributors recognized under the Shodh Sagar Excellence License (SS EL 1.0) are expected to uphold and embody the principles and values that guided their selection for the award. These obligations include:

  • Maintaining Standards: Awardees must continue to uphold the high standards of excellence, innovation, and integrity in their ongoing work and conduct. This includes a commitment to ethical practices, continued contribution to their field, and adherence to the principles of professionalism.
  • Contributing to the Community: Recognizing the role of community in the advancement of knowledge and innovation, Contributors are encouraged to actively engage in and contribute to their respective communities. This may involve mentorship, public speaking, participation in community projects, or other forms of service that align with the mission of Shodh Sagar.
  • Participation in Shodh Sagar Events: Contributors are invited to participate in Shodh Sagar events, including ceremonies, conferences, and workshops. While not mandatory, participation is encouraged as a means to inspire others, share knowledge, and foster a network of excellence.

Organization Responsibilities
Shodh Sagar commits to supporting its awardees and ensuring the integrity of the SS EL 1.0 through the following responsibilities:

  • Support for Awardees: Shodh Sagar will provide ongoing support to its Contributors, which may include opportunities for professional development, platforms for showcasing their work, and assistance in promoting their contributions to a wider audience.
  • Fairness in the Selection Process: The organization is dedicated to maintaining transparency, objectivity, and fairness in the selection process for awards. This includes the use of clear criteria, diverse and knowledgeable selection committees, and processes to address potential biases.
  • Dispute Management: Shodh Sagar will establish clear procedures for managing disputes or grievances related to the awarding process, the conduct of awardees, or the interpretation of the SS EL 1.0 terms. This includes providing avenues for appeal, mediation, or resolution in a manner that respects the rights and dignity of all parties involved.

By delineating these obligations and responsibilities, Shodh Sagar aims to foster a community of excellence that not only celebrates outstanding achievements but also promotes a culture of ethical conduct, ongoing contribution, and mutual support among its members.


Revocation and Termination
Criteria for Revocation
The rights and privileges granted under the Shodh Sagar Excellence License (SS EL 1.0) are predicated on the Contributor's continued adherence to the core values and standards of excellence, innovation, integrity, and contribution that Shodh Sagar upholds. As such, the license and associated rights may be subject to revocation under the following conditions:

  • Breach of Core Values: Demonstrable and significant departure from the ethical standards, integrity, or conduct expected of a Contributor, including but not limited to acts of fraud, misconduct in professional activities, or behaviors that significantly harm the reputation of Shodh Sagar or the community it serves.
  • Misuse of Award or Title: Improper or unethical use of the Shodh Sagar name, awards, or titles in a manner that misleads, defrauds, or harms others, or that misrepresents the Contributor's relationship with Shodh Sagar.
  • Legal or Disciplinary Actions: Conviction of a criminal offense or disciplinary action by professional bodies related to the Contributor's professional conduct that is in direct conflict with the values and standards of Shodh Sagar.

The process for revocation of the SS EL 1.0 license and associated rights is designed to ensure fairness, transparency, and due process:

  1. Notification: Shodh Sagar will provide the Contributor with a formal notification of the potential revocation, detailing the reasons and evidence supporting the decision.
  2. Response Opportunity: The Contributor will be given a reasonable period to respond to the notification, during which they can present evidence, arguments, or mitigating factors against the revocation.
  3. Review: A designated committee within Shodh Sagar will review the Contributor's response alongside the initial evidence to make a fair and informed decision regarding the revocation. This committee will consist of individuals not directly involved in the initial decision, to ensure objectivity.
  4. Final Decision: After thorough review, Shodh Sagar will communicate the final decision to the Contributor, including any actions to be taken or conditions for reinstatement, if applicable.
  5. Right to Appeal: In the event of revocation, the Contributor will have the right to appeal the decision through a formal appeals process established by Shodh Sagar. This process will be conducted by a separate panel to ensure impartiality, and the decision reached through this appeal will be final.

Through this process, Shodh Sagar aims to uphold the integrity of its awards and the community of Contributors it recognizes, ensuring that the actions taken reflect the organization's commitment to excellence, innovation, and ethical conduct.


Amendment and Versioning
Shodh Sagar retains the right to amend the Shodh Sagar Excellence License (SS EL 1.0) as it deems necessary to reflect changes in legal requirements, organizational policies, or to better serve the community of Contributors and the mission of Shodh Sagar. The process for amendment and versioning includes:

  • Notice of Amendments: Any proposed changes to the SS EL 1.0 will be communicated via its website before such changes take effect.
  • Feedback and Consultation: Shodh Sagar will provide a period during which feedback on proposed amendments can be submitted by Contributors and stakeholders, allowing for consultation and consideration of community input.
  • Version Control: Amendments to the license will result in the issuance of a new version number. All previous versions will be archived and made accessible for reference. The most current version of the license will be prominently displayed and applied to all new awardees.
  • Transition Provisions: In cases where amendments materially change the rights or obligations of Contributors, Shodh Sagar will provide clear guidance on how these changes affect existing Contributors, including any transitional arrangements or grandfathering provisions.

Dispute Resolution
Shodh Sagar is committed to resolving any disputes arising under the SS EL 1.0 in a fair, timely, and amicable manner. The dispute resolution process is as follows:

  • Informal Resolution: Parties involved in a dispute are encouraged to seek an informal resolution through direct dialogue and mediation efforts.
  • Mediation: If informal resolution is not successful, parties may engage in mediation facilitated by a neutral third party agreed upon by all involved parties. The goal of mediation will be to reach a mutually acceptable resolution.
  • Arbitration: Should mediation fail to resolve the dispute, arbitration may be pursued as a binding alternative to litigation. The arbitration process will be governed by rules agreed upon by the parties involved, and the decision of the arbitrator(s) will be final and binding.
  • Legal Action: As a last resort, parties may seek resolution through legal action. Any such action will be subject to the governing law and jurisdiction stipulated below.

Governing Law
The SS EL 1.0, and any disputes arising from it, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India, without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law provision or rule. Any legal suit, action, or proceeding arising out of, or related to, this License or the Licensed Material shall be instituted exclusively in the courts of Delhi, India, although Shodh Sagar retains the right to bring any suit, action, or proceeding against a Contributor or third party in their home jurisdiction.

By setting forth these miscellaneous provisions, Shodh Sagar aims to ensure clarity, fairness, and transparency in the management, interpretation, and enforcement of the SS EL 1.0, fostering a supportive and respectful community of Contributors.


Attribution and Acknowledgment
Awardees of the Shodh Sagar Excellence License (SS EL 1.0) are entitled and encouraged to publicly acknowledge their recognition by Shodh Sagar in a manner that upholds the dignity of the award and reflects the values of Shodh Sagar. Guidelines for such recognition include:

  • Professional and Public Settings: Awardees may reference their Shodh Sagar awards in professional biographies, resumes, personal websites, social media profiles, and during public speaking engagements. Such references should clearly state the name of the award and the year it was received.
  • Academic Publications: When applicable, awardees may include their recognition by Shodh Sagar in academic publications or contributions, provided it is relevant to the content and context of the publication.
  • Respect and Accuracy: All acknowledgments of the award should be done with respect to the accuracy, avoiding any implication of endorsement or partnership with Shodh Sagar beyond the scope of the award.

Use of Shodh Sagar Trademarks
Shodh Sagar's name, logos, and other trademarks are protected intellectual property. Their use by awardees is subject to the following rules:

  • Prior Permission: Use of Shodh Sagar's logos and trademarks on any printed or digital material, including but not limited to publications, websites, and merchandise, requires prior written permission from Shodh Sagar. Such permission will be granted based on the relevance and appropriateness of the intended use.
  • Integrity of Marks: Awardees must ensure that any use of Shodh Sagar's trademarks does not alter, distort, or modify the marks in any way that could mislead or confuse the public or detract from the integrity of Shodh Sagar's brand.
  • Non-Endorsement: The use of Shodh Sagar's trademarks by an awardee should not imply Shodh Sagar's endorsement of the individual, their products, or services beyond the recognition of the award. Clear disclaimers stating the nature of the awardee's relationship with Shodh Sagar (e.g., "Recipient of the Shodh Sagar Award 20XX") should be included where appropriate.

By adhering to these guidelines for attribution and acknowledgment, awardees honor the spirit of their recognition and contribute to the ongoing legacy of excellence and innovation that Shodh Sagar represents.